Forum Beach in Barcelona has been closed due to a pregnant stingray


On Wednesday, July 31, Forum Beach in Barcelona was closed to the public after a stingray appeared near the shore. Specialists from the Catalan Federation of Underwater Sports (Federación Catalana de Actividades Subacuáticas, FECDAS) found out that it was a pregnant female, who may have been injured and was looking for a safe place to give birth.

According to Patricia Jimenez Font, Director of Beaches at Barcelona City Council, FECDAS employees tried to escort the animal to the open sea, but it returned. Although stingrays do not attack people, they have poisonous spines. Therefore, in order to protect both the female and vacationers, a red flag was immediately raised on the beach prohibiting swimming.

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On Thursday, August 1, during observation, scuba divers discovered a second stingray. Presumably, it is also a female, but of a different species. It was not possible to determine whether she is pregnant. The city council decided not to open the beach until the animals leave the coastal waters. On Friday, August 2, several divers explored the waters again. But they did not manage to see any of the stingrays. If they are not found on Saturday, a yellow flag will be raised on the beach. And when the city council is sure that the animals have left the Forum, it will be opened for swimming.


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Photo albert kok from 

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