King Philip VI and Queen Letizia of Spain celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary


On Wednesday, 22 May, King Philip VI and Queen Letizia of Spain celebrated twenty years of marriage. Their wedding took place on 22 May 2004. And even the rain that day in Madrid, did not prevent this event to become one of the most romantic and grandiose in the history of the institution of the monarchy. More than 1,200 guests from 28 royal houses, heads of state, representatives of the Spanish nobility and high society, members of the Government and public institutions were invited to the royal wedding. As on that day, 20 years later, the King and Queen of Spain are radiant with happiness and are rightly regarded as one of the most beautiful and harmonious royal couples in the world. 

In honour of the anniversary, a few months before the anniversary, the Spanish monarchs had new official portraits taken. They were authored by iconic photographer Annie Leibovitz. Queen Letizia posed in a fuchsia-coloured dress with silver embroidery. Her head was crowned with a platinum and diamond Fleur de Lis tiara, which has belonged to the Spanish royal family since 1906. King Philip VI wore a ceremonial uniform adorned with many honours, including the Order of the Golden Fleece.

новости Испании, королевская семья Испании, годовщина свадьбы король Испании, королева Летиция, король Филипп VI, свадьба Филиппа и Летиции, Noticias de España, familia real de España, aniversario de boda Rey de España, Reina Letizia, Rey Felipe VI, boda de Felipe y Letizia, Spanish news, Spanish royal family, wedding anniversary King of Spain, Queen Letizia, King Philip VI, Philip and Letizia's wedding, новини Іспанії, королівська сім'я Іспанії, річниця весілля король Іспанії, королева Летиція, король Філіп VI, весілля Філіпа і Летиції
Photo Twitter Casa de S.M. el Rey

And far less formal photos of the couple were taken on the eve of the 20th anniversary in the gardens of the Royal Palace. Most of them show Philip and Letizia posing with their daughters Princess of Asturias and Infanta Leonor. 

новости Испании, королевская семья Испании, годовщина свадьбы король Испании, королева Летиция, король Филипп VI, свадьба Филиппа и Летиции, Noticias de España, familia real de España, aniversario de boda Rey de España, Reina Letizia, Rey Felipe VI, boda de Felipe y Letizia, Spanish news, Spanish royal family, wedding anniversary King of Spain, Queen Letizia, King Philip VI, Philip and Letizia's wedding, новини Іспанії, королівська сім'я Іспанії, річниця весілля король Іспанії, королева Летиція, король Філіп VI, весілля Філіпа і Летиції
Photo Instagram Casa de S. M. el Rey

The King and Queen have not announced any special plans for their wedding anniversary celebrations. Moreover, both on 22 May and in the coming days, their schedule shows several institutional events. But it has been learnt that the royal couple will spend the weekend in Asturias, where Letizia is from. We can only wish them a good holiday and enjoy their time together!

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