The Festival of Moors and Christians in Villena will be held from September 4 to 9


From September 4 to 9, Villena (Alicante) will host one of the most massive festivals of Moors and Christians in the world. More than 12,000 people take part every year and make up 14 costumed troupes. Seven of them play the roles of Moors and the same number of Christians. During the five days of festivities, the city will host 14 parades — seven Moorish and seven Christian. In addition, this year’s La Entrada parade will be led by women for the first time. 

The origin of the Festival of Moors and Christians in Villena dates back to 1474. At that time, Our Lady of Virtues (Virgen de las Virtudes) was proclaimed the protector against the plague and patroness of the city. Her image was placed in a shrine (Santuario de Nuestra Senora de las Virtudes) located a few kilometers from Villena. The townspeople made a vow to go there twice a year, in March and early September, to pay homage to the Virgin Mary.


According to tradition, the events preceding the Festival of Moors and Christians began as early as August 23. On that day, the Plaza de Santiago hosted a concert performed by the Villena Municipal Music Orchestra. And on Sunday, August 25, a solemn mass was held in the Santuario de Nuestra Senora de las Virtudes. After it, the image of the Virgin was brought to the city, where it will remain during all the festivities held in her honor.

Moros y Cristianos de Villena
Photo of Portada Villena from

The festival itself will begin on Wednesday, September 4, with a concert by the Municipal Music Orchestra at Teatro Chapí. This will be followed by a gala dinner, and at 1:00, a large fireworks display will begin at the Atalaya Castle. 

The official opening of the festivities will take place on Thursday, September 5. At 8:00 there will be a holy mass in honor of the Virgin Mary. At 12:00 on the balcony of the City Hall of Villena to the sounds of the National Anthem will be raised the national flag and launched fireworks. At 12:00 noon, there will be a pasodoble party featuring the bands of all costumed troupes. And at 16:00 the Grand Exit of Moors and Christians (La Gran Entrada), one of the most colorful parades of the festival, will begin. At 18:00, the side doors of the Archdeacon’s Church of Santiago Apóstol will be opened so that everyone can see the image of Our Lady. 

Over the next four days, festival participants and visitors can look forward to many interesting activities. In addition to several parades of Moors and Christians, Villena will host traditional performances by the embassies of both sides, reenactments of the capture and liberation of the castle, concerts, fireworks and solemn masses. The full program can be viewed on the official tourist portal of Villena. 

Moros y Cristianos de Villena
Photo of Portada Villena from

One of the main elements of Moros y Cristianos de Villena is the symbolic scene of the «Conversion of the Moor to Christianity» , which will be held on September 6 and 8. And the most spectacular parade is the Cabalgata. It will begin on Friday, September 6, at 21:00. The procession, in which more than 10,000 people take part, will last all night.

The Festival of Moors and Christians will conclude on Monday, September 9. On that day, after a solemn Mass, the image of Our Lady will be carried through the streets of the city and then returned back to the sanctuary.


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Photo by Diego Conejero from

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