The start date of Ramadan in Spain sparks controversy


Controversy has erupted in Muslim communities in various parts of the world over the date of Ramadan 2024 as it relates to the sighting of the new moon. In particular, Saudi Arabia announced the beginning of Ramadan on March 11 after its observatories with high-precision equipment successfully recorded the crescent moon. In contrast to Saudi Arabia, Oman has set the start date of Ramadan as March 12.

The resulting contradictions also affected Spain. Initially, the Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE) declared March 12 as the first day of Ramadan in the state. However, this decision caused protests from most of the country’s regional Islamic commissions. Faced with this, CIE President Aymen Adlbi issued a press release on the organization’s website acknowledging that the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) and most Muslim states had announced the start of Ramadan on March 11. Therefore, «to preserve the unity of the Spanish Muslim community, the CIE adopts a system of astronomical calculations and declares Monday, March 11, the first day of Ramadan». Accordingly, Ramadan will end on April 9.

2.35 million inhabitants (4% of the total population) are followers of Islam in Spain. Ramadan is the most sacred and important month for Muslims. During this period, in Spanish mosques and Islamic centers, in addition to prayers, special events are organized — studying the Quran and Arabic, and discussing hadiths. More than 9,000 Muslims gather in mosques in Madrid. Another place of attraction for believers during this period is the Mezquita, or Cordoba Cathedral Mosque (Andalusia).

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